Thursday, October 3, 2024

An E-bike Burning Car Dodging Leduc Extravaganza

It was a bad day for a ride as I was extremely tired all day for some reason. I had the bike packed for work and was ready for some river valley but the fatigue was off the charts so I went to Leduc for the old Telford and cool aircraft lake loop as climbing is pretty much minimal. 

Lordy lordy, the e bikes were out tonight which consisted of mostly boomers riding them which is cool. Yet when I saw them up the trail I did set phasers to fire and I just had to pass them and it felt good although I was a bit gassed up the trail. 

Good lord am I a jackass.

I did have the closest call I  ever had versus a car in my long riding career as I was coming back from Fred Johns park underneath Highway 2 a car trying to beat the oncoming traffic almost turned right into me. Tires were screeching from her car as the car she cut off was coming in quickly. I heard his tires screeching too. It was a bit nutty. 

Luckily she stopped but I was not only freaked out at her I was super scared of the other guy and knew I had to get the fuck out of there. 

She obviously did not see me as she was concerned about beating the guy coming at her. I had the little white walk guy which clarifies 'go forth safely and efficiently young man,' I mean what more could you want when crossing a busy intersection? I do wonder if she could have maybe had partial sun blockage? Or maybe she just drove like a girl? 

Bah ha ha ha ha... 

The whole moment was incredibly quick and very strange for some reason. I didn't even get shaky leg syndrome like you get when close calls happen when driving. Was it because my legs were working or could it have been the soothing Lana Del Ray on the headphones? 

*looks up from the laptop at the roof, sighs...

In the end, it's a good thing she didn't get hit by the guy she was trying to beat across the intersection. It could have been bad for me too as I would have been very close to the impact area which is why I hit it hard and got out of the area right when the hood of her car was a hands reach away. Maybe a dumb move but better than coming to a complete stop with her car right next to me. 

The rest of the ride was uneventful and the close call didn't really sink in till the drive home. That would have been a bummer. 

Golden Thanksgiving

A pretty decent Fall mountain bike roll through glorious golden Fort Saskatchewan singletrack. Temperatures were pretty much perfect and a s...