Monday, August 12, 2024

Happy Monday

Sorry for lack of posts. Last week sucked, I hate being hurt so the pouting has been heavy and steady (poor mrs lonebiker.) 

I didn't even do a beer review. I mean I could have done two.. you know one on Friday and one on Saturday. You know that sort of thing. 

You see how boring this is when I have nothing to talk about? I could bring up something interesting about my life like.... 'You know I've never eaten a Big Mac!' How's that for wild living!

I don't know guys, those things kinda always grossed me out. I'd assume a chunk of readers feel the same way though assuming you all mostly ride bikes. High five to that and the good news is things are improving and I hope to be on the gravel bike by the weekend. Knock on wood. 

*proceeds to hit self on head

Today Had so Much Potential

  The plan was a Cameron Heights trip through glorious singletrack out to Fort Edmonton with maybe a trip back through Selkirk Knights after...