Sunday, August 18, 2024

Bitch Tit's Gets it Done

Another glorious return to the wonderment of bicycles after a rough go on the chest area of my body in the infamous Selkirk Knight region. 

Did you see what I did there? I wanted to make myself seem badass by stating where the incident happened.. On a black diamond trail in Edmonton. Whoa.. There I go again. 

I mean what a dork? Right? 

Oh wait.. it is a blue? Cause that makes more sense. Whatever dudes and dudettes. It's not an easy trail all right and I am a badass mothertrucker for almost breaking my ribs on it ok? Can you at least give me that? I mean things have been hard here content wise because the riding on here has been drier than a popcorn fart and I'm talking about the multiple Leduc Telford rides. 

After the rib issue I took the bike to the short Fort Saskatchewan jaunt from Legends Golf Course. I figured it was a nice change for a back to riding type ride cause it is mainly flat quick fun gravel. If I was in two week ago shape I would have kept going to the refineries cause fuck ya cancer! 

I turned around at the boat launch on a fairly uneventful ride which felt quite amazing as the bike danced below me to the rhythm of the gravel alongside the river with some pretty sweet views. The ride back I was gassed. Sigh.. It was still great to be on the bike of course with not too many issues from the crash on that extreme Red Bull sponsored trail which hurt my ribs. 

Man I'm cool. 

do we call this darwin award nominees?


Today Had so Much Potential

  The plan was a Cameron Heights trip through glorious singletrack out to Fort Edmonton with maybe a trip back through Selkirk Knights after...