Friday, August 23, 2024

Allons à Leduc

Sorry, I guess the Beaumont in me comes out sometimes.

Did I promise two rides this work week like some sort of crazy fool? Actually I was good to go for two and the first one was a warranted family visit so I stayed home. Tonight on the Friday of the work week I am proud to report I fulfilled one ride  wish and rode Leduc like a complete badass again. 

For I am.... The Lonebiker. Women wept and men looked perturbed  when I rode past. 

Oh shit.. that makes me look like a giant fucking monster now does it? never mind, we all know that was complete bullshit anyways. I mean come on. I have ridden this route a thousand times now.. Ahh shoot I am spouting out more bullshit. 

I did pass an e-bike though from a guy about my age reeking of cologne. I was gagging catching up to him. He was a bit heavy and the low energy he was putting in to those pedals and I followed him at 25km an hour which thought was crazy. I mean these e-bikes man. 

I passed and was well aware if he wanted he could overtake me so it gave me more incentive to boogie and boogie I did for a bit. It was probably good for me just giving her for a good stretch into the wind. It felt quite good in the end. Here is hoping for a decent weekend of rides with Monday off as an added bonus.

Today Had so Much Potential

  The plan was a Cameron Heights trip through glorious singletrack out to Fort Edmonton with maybe a trip back through Selkirk Knights after...