Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Pathetic Sixteen

Oh boy, another irritating pain started in my knee which made this planned semi big ride into sixteen kilometres of wincing pain. It wasn't that bad I just scared riding could escalate the problem so I booked it for home. The good thing is the pain as of this writing is gone. So hooray for being old.

*high fives self

The ride started in the land of the creepy old man. I left the Science Park and rode through the busy parts of Rundle. It was in Goldbar that I didn't like my knee and wanted to make it for home. I did extend it a bit by crossing Capilano foot bridge and looped back to the Science park. 

An absurdly large amount of boomers on e-bikes today. Not one of them were pedalling and just cruised along. I don't get it? I thought e-bikes were supposed to still be a healthy thing when about 50% of them just cruise along without a care in the world. 

Do I hate them because I am envious cause I suffer sometimes pedalling away like a moron when I could be living in the land of luxury with a 32 volt electric motor close to my balls potentially giving me ball cancer? Worth it if you don't have to work to go uphills right? 

*edited for writer narcissism (yes it got worse after the above paragraph.)

i walked from my car to get this cause i only had one pic, cool story huh? 

oh yes.. this one too, i just walked another ten feet from the picture before this. i work hard to keep you people updated, informed and most importantly, entertained


Bitchin Straights Bro

 With little time between football and a concert later I took the gravel bike out from home and found the straight and narrow Township Road ...