Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Chafe Chaser

 A pretty great short and sweet after work ride in extreme heat. Well at least extreme heat for us cold weather assassins known as Canadians. I have a love hate relationship with hot July days. I have been hating them until today. This short ride was quite memorable.

 I fuckin loved the heat on the ride today and I don't know why. 

It was a hot day at work and the chaffing was quite questionable as I spent half the day outside. I had a bad feeling about that part of the ride but I wasn't gonna let it stop. No sir, the first mountain bike in a while thanks to back issues. 

It was a Cameron Heights start so Bottle Rocket started things off. I was across the river and up to Staff College and then Go Trail. I did feel the heat though so I decided to turn around after doing a lap at the base on top and refrained from riding down to the lower fields and parking lots. I traced my route back and apologies to the dude in the white jersey. 

I was being s complete jackass  and had stopped for a possible picture and with headphones on was kinda into the trail. I don't think it was close but I had my back to him and was oblivious. 

I normally wouldn't do that but on hot days here the trails are very quiet and I didn't see a soul until him late in the ride. Still, I should have known better.. 

In the end, the chaffing was minor. Giddy up. 

Seventeen Again

Not sure why but my computer is being a real jerk. The above three pictures took an insanely long time to get in the order I wanted. I was r...