Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Flame Out on the Staff College Climb

It has been a very long time since I ventured into the Breathless trail area and what better to do it on the Moots 2024 debut! 

Another Cameron Heights start as it has proven to be the closest after work ride trailhead but I must explore more options away from Terwillegar. I have a feeling I will get tired of the area soon as I am used to having Mill Creek at the very centre of the valley. 

The plan was to do Bottle Rocket, explore Breathless and scope the new trails then Mustang and up Staff College and Go Trail then turn around. I made it to the Staff College climb and my legs turned to jelly. I thought I would just turn around once on the paved Whitemud ravine express. I only made it about another ten yards and said "that's all folks" to the trees and turned around a bit ashamed I came short of my goal by so much. 

I blame Breathless for that. Last night I hit 300 meters climbing and by the time I left the Breathless area I was at 200.

I forgot about the climbing, You would think the name of the trail would have reminded me but nope. I rode two new trails in the area. Well not complete, there were some of the most insane power climbs I have seen in a long time. I turned around (a lot of turning around in this one.)

I did ride Mustang though which is another 'been a while' rides and enjoyed it immensely. I took more effort into destroying my legs as I tried mashing up the vertical and made it farther than I thought. A salute to the folks who can power up that. 

I rode up Bottle Rocket and my legs were oddly fine for the climbs but yes I am feeling it now. 

Majestic SouthWest Edmonton

It was a weird one after work as I wanted to take it easy after another dark and dirty day after little sleep for some dumb fuckin reason. I...