Saturday, July 1, 2023

Beer Canada Day. Alley Kat Mangolorian Mango Ale


Here we are, another Canada Day Beer review of which I assume there were lots of beer reviews done on this day. So I am following on what I assume is tradition and doing a beer review. I mean come on man I could research this but who really cares anyways?

"I do!" Immediately shouts an overly zealous intern. I look at him in disgust…

I did go for a ride today but it did not make the Lonebiker minimum 8 kilometre mark for a blog post. It's ok it wasn't too exciting as I was searching  for the gps at the most obvious spots I could have lost it taking the phone out for a picture. I did take the gravel bike and rode a small section of singletrack. A couple root infested spots had me off my game.. I was in a bad mood anyways cause of that damn GPS.

Good thing Alley Kat brewing exists here in Edmonton. In a region that seems to be taken over by a certain brewery here in Beaumont I still think Alley Kat are the real original gangsters in local cool breweries. Their Apricat ale is a city gem. 

The pour went well and a good three and a half fingered head stood atop a powerful golden beer that demanded respect just for it's glass representation. I mean come on man that thing was fucking beautiful! Yes there is definitely a mango aroma to it which made me quite eager to try this one. The first sip was quite refreshing on a not so hot and stormy July first. An obvious hit of mango is there on a smooth not very hoppy. It is nicely rounded and I will get more when it gets hot as hell again.

This beer gets 4 suds out of 5. 

Majestic SouthWest Edmonton

It was a weird one after work as I wanted to take it easy after another dark and dirty day after little sleep for some dumb fuckin reason. I...