Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Humid August Morning

So it was a fine time for a bike ride. I think it's that time of year to really embrace Summer as it is slowly backstepping out the back door which is quite sad. Even though it leads to Fall and now Winter which should be the best Winter on record as far as my riding goes.

I say embrace Summer, enjoy the humidity, love it when that bead of sweat drops down and slides down your glasses as you are descending a technical section marring your vision, love it when you drain your water pack on a ride that is not so long with the taste of water being like Heaven and suddenly ... gone, love the blind corners and the heat bouncing off the trails, love the bushwhacking down many single track trails as the Mid Summer Edmonton foliage is on a rampage.

Most of those things were had today on a ride from the Queen to Hawerlak and back on the North via Mackinnon and it was spectacular. I am still quite enjoying the new health and the single track/ Multi use/ Paved trails that make up the river valley, albeit the best times were had on the single track and all the technical sections were all handled quite well. Seeing the despair that the lower Canada cup trails were in was quite a let down. They may have been like that for a while but I had no idea.

a moment to enjoy life and to enjoy the fact that i can soon ride far, far away from all these people
serious trail self destruction on the canada cup

Seventeen Again

Not sure why but my computer is being a real jerk. The above three pictures took an insanely long time to get in the order I wanted. I was r...