After hearing the news that a tornado watch is on I thought about cancelling the planned ride. Until I looked outside. Dark clouds? Yes. Tornado like conditions? Sure as hell didn`t seem like it. I went to environment Canada (the website, I didn`t actually drive there. Come on! Jeez!) and they said conditions were favourable for weak funnel clouds that would be laughed at hard if they actually appeared.
So, I went riding in the rain. Yes, it was truly grand! I will admit I do get cranky if the rain is persistent for a long time and I can`t get sufficient singletrack time. If you were reading this last Summer you would know the rain did tend to get on my nerves, and I ended up bitch slapping Josh Classen when I saw him on Whyte ave (on a rainy Saturday no less).
some clouds clearing up over Victoria golf course |
The rain did not fall hard at all and did not even warrant me having to put on my rain gear. I saw no funnel clouds or tornados, and was sad cause I could not laugh at them and their ineptness as instructed to do on the environment Canada website.... In the end. It was a pretty kick ass bike ride. Hooray!
take that religion! |